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Beet – Pests & Diseases

Beet - Pests & Diseases

Cercospora Leaf Spot (Fungus)

This fungus thrives in warm and humid conditions, causing small brown spots with red-purple halos on leaves. Destroy infected plants, ensure good air circulation, and practice crop rotation.

Cucumber Mosaic Virus (Virus)

Symptoms include stunting, mottled green, yellow, or white patterns on leaves. Destroy infected plants, choose resistant varieties, control aphids, and use mulch to prevent the virus from spreading

Flea Beetles (Insect)

These beetles leave numerous tiny holes in the leaves. Use row covers, encourage beneficial insects, and apply heavy mulch to protect the beets from these pests.

Leafhoppers (Insect)

Look for white shed skins on leaf undersides, as well as stippling on the leaves. Knock off nymphs with water sprays, use row covers, and monitor with yellow sticky traps.

Leaf Miners (Insect)

These pests create meandering blisters in the leaves due to tunneling larvae. Remove affected leaves, practice weeding, and use row covers to prevent these pests.

Wireworms (Insect)

Wireworms cause damage by hollowing seeds, severing seedlings, and eating roots. Trap wireworms by using baits and provide good drainage in the soil to deter them.

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