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Spinach – Pests & Diseases

Spinach - Pests & Diseases


  • Type: Insect
  • Symptoms: Misshapen or yellow leaves; presence of sticky “honeydew” (excrement); development of sooty, black mold.
  • Control/Prevention: Cultivate companion plants; dislodge aphids with a water spray; utilize insecticidal soap; place banana or orange peels around plants; wipe leaves with a 1 to 2 percent solution of dish soap and water every 2 to 3 days for a period of 2 weeks; introduce native plants to encourage beneficial insects.

Downy Mildew

  • Type: Fungus
  • Symptoms: Formation of yellow, angular spots on upper leaf surfaces that transition to brown; appearance of white, purple, or gray cottony growth on leaf undersides only; distortion of leaves leading to defoliation.
  • Control/Prevention: Eliminate plant debris; opt for resistant varieties; ensure proper air circulation; avoid overhead watering practices.
  • Leaf Miners
    • Type: Insect
    • Symptoms: Creation of meandering blisters in leaves caused by tunneling larvae.
    • Control/Prevention: Remove affected leaves; maintain meticulous weeding practices; deploy row covers; engage in early-season soil tilling; implement crop rotation strategies.
  • Leaf Spot (Cercospora)
    • Type: Fungus
    • Symptoms: Presence of numerous small brown spots with red-purple halos on leaves that progressively enlarge and turn gray; formation of holes in the centers of spots, resulting in the appearance of halos.
    • Control/Prevention: Eradicate infected plants; prioritize weeding; avoid overhead watering; ensure sufficient air circulation; adopt crop rotation methodologies.
  • Spinach Blight (Mosaic Virus)
    • Type: Virus
    • Symptoms: Manifestations vary across plants but might include stunted growth, the presence of a mottled green, yellow, or white pattern, or ringed spots on leaves, and distorted leaf growth.
    • Control/Prevention: Remove infected plants; select resistant varieties and certified virus-free seeds; utilize row covers; practice tool disinfection; maintain weeding practices; control aphid populations; apply mulch.
  • White Rust
    • Type: Fungus
    • Symptoms: Development of chalk-white blisters primarily on leaf undersides; appearance of small, yellow-green spots or blisters, sometimes arranged in a circular pattern, on upper leaf surfaces; possible distortion or galls; stems might also be affected.
    • Control/Prevention: Eliminate infected plants; opt for resistant varieties; prioritize weeding; remove crop residue; implement crop rotation strategies.
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