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Caring for Your Tomato Plant

Caring for Your Tomato Plant

Light Requirement: Full Sun

Keep your tomato plant in a bright room that gets plenty of sunshine throughout the day. Placing it near a south-facing window would be ideal.

Watering: Requires Plenty of Water

Tomatoes love water and prefer to be consistently moist. Check the soil before watering – the top layer should be slightly dry, and the soil beneath should be a bit moist, but not soaked. To check if it’s ready for watering, gently press the soil between your fingers – if water seeps out, it’s still wet.

Fertilizing: Needs Regular Feeding

This plant is a big fan of fertilizers and needs frequent feeding to thrive and maintain its lush greenery. Find more detailed instructions on how to fertilize this plant to help it grow and flourish.

For more precise care instructions tailored to your specific plant and its needs, consider downloading AiFarming.

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