Basil, or Sweet Basil, is a common name for the culinary herb Ocimum basilicum, of the family Lamiaceae, sometimes known as Saint Josephs Wort in some English-speaking countries.
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Plant articles
Plant Advanced information
Seed Depth
Soil Temp.
75F - 85F
Days To Germination
7 Days
Indoor Sowing
5 weeks before frost
Outdoor Sowing
Spring, late summer
Sowing Instruction
Basil loves heat and it is very sensitive to cold weather. Although you can easily start the basil plant by planting outdoors but it is recommended that you start indoors two or three weeks before the last frost.
Basil needs heat to grow so make sure it is getting enough sunlight. Basil does not require a lot of water but make sure that the roots are not dried out.