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Growing Season

Spring, Summer


Full Sun


Moderate to heavy

Avoid this to grow with


Plant description

Maize, known in many English-speaking countries as corn, is a grain domesticated by indigenous peoples in Mesoamerica in prehistoric times. The leafy stalk produces ears which contain seeds called kernels
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Plant Advanced information


Seed Depth


Soil Temp.


Days To Germination

4 Days

Indoor Sowing

Not Recommended

Outdoor Sowing

1 week after last frost

Sowing Instruction
Remove the mulch to allow the soil to begin heating and add some finished compost to the soil. To further heat the soil you can cover the soil with a black plastic. Seeds should be sowed 1 inch deep and 8 inches apart. After sowing keep the soil moist and use a plastic cover to maintain the soil temperature and protect seedlings against frost.


Spacing Between Beds


Soil Temp.

65F - 75F

Ph Range

6.0 - 7.0

Growing Instruction
Space the seeds and rows correctly. Row spacing should be 36″”, and seed spacing per row should be 36″” also. The spacing is critical because corn needs other plants to pollinate in order to produce ears of corn. Corn needs at least 4 to 6 rows for good pollination; 8 to 12 rows is better, even in a home garden, if possible. Water the corn as needed for your climate to keep it wet. It is all right if corn dries out between watering. Planting in furrows will make watering easier.


Days to harvest seeds

89 Days

Days to harvest seedlings

70 Days

Harvesting Instruction
Touch the kernels on the ears after 3 weeks. They should be filled with milky liquid. Push the kernel and the liquid will burst out. This is sign that the corn is ready for harvesting.

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