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Growing Season

Spring, Summer, Fall


Full Sun



Avoid this to grow with

Green Beans, Peas

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Beet, Lettuce

Plant description

Many people enjoy garlic, for cooking, for crafts, or for medicine. There is also a way to grow it in your own herb garden. Growing garlic is easy and cheap, and after one season you will never have to buy garlic again.
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Seed Depth


Soil Temp.


Days To Germination

1 Days

Indoor Sowing

Not Recommended

Outdoor Sowing

Late summer to fall

Sowing Instruction
Buy fresh garlic from the store or, even better, a farm stand. If you have some garlic at home that has sprouted, use it. Break the head apart into cloves. In the fall, push the cloves into the ground. Point the tips upward and plant the cloves about 2 inches deep. Fertilize the cloves or top-dress with compost. Mulch the cloves with hay, dry leaves, or straw. Fertilize again in the spring but not after May.


Spacing Between Beds


Soil Temp.

55F - 75F

Ph Range

6.0 - 7.0

Growing Instruction
In spring remove the mulch and spread some compost on the bed. Only water if you feel that the ground is very dry. Make sure you control the weeds near the garlic bed.


Days to harvest seeds

210 Days

Days to harvest seedlings

190 Days

Harvesting Instruction
In late summer note that if the bottom leaves have turned yellow. This is the sign that you are garlic needs to be harvested. Use garden fork to loosen the soil and then pull the bulbs.

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