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Growing Season

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter


Full Sun



Avoid this to grow with

Carrot, Celery

Supporting Plants

Green Beans, Garlic, Onion, Peas

Plant description

The parsnip is a root vegetable closely related to the carrot. It is a biennial plant usually grown as an annual. Its long tuberous root has cream-colored skin and flesh and can be left in the ground when mature as it becomes sweeter in flavor after winter frosts. In its first growing season, the plant has a rosette of pinnate, mid-green leaves. If unharvested, it produces its flowering stem, topped by an umbel of small yellow flowers, in its second growing season. By this time the stem is woody and the tuber inedible. The seeds are pale brown, flat and winged.
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Plant Advanced information


Seed Depth


Soil Temp.

65F - 75F

Days To Germination

13 Days

Indoor Sowing

Not Recommended

Outdoor Sowing

On worked soil

Sowing Instruction
Parsnips as compared to carrots takes longer. Parsnips seeds should be planted 1/2 inch deep and 1 inch apart in rows. Parsnips loves moist soil so make sure that the soil is moist. You can keep the moisture in the soil by applying mulch.


Spacing Between Beds


Soil Temp.

60F - 65F

Ph Range

6.0 - 7.0

Growing Instruction
See sowing description.


Days to harvest seeds

90 Days

Days to harvest seedlings

75 Days

Harvesting Instruction
Parsnips can be harvested at the end of the growing season. Usually it takes around 16 weeks for parsnips to reach maturity. The frost gives a sweet flavor to parsnips. When leaving them in ground for winter make sure to cover them up with mulch.

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